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I want to help any people that want to stop smoking and stop from being
addicted to cigarettes..

I collect all FREE QUIT SMOKING HELP for you..
Just read the articles in this blog, and also read for the tips and trick and simply do it..!

I believe that's not impossible for you to stop smoking..

God Bless You..!

What Doesn't Work To Quit Smoking?

In about ten seconds, you can find a million different ways how to quit smoking. Let's do something different here and see what doesn't work to quit smoking!

Nicotine Patches They don't work all too well. You might get a day or so of quit time out of them (think placebo effect) but soon enough, you're ripping them off to smoke. Or, worse, you're smoking with the patch on (which is worse than smoking by itself!) The main reason why they don't work is evidenced by how people still want to smoke while they're wearing them. If they worked so well, your want for nicotine would be satisfied and you wouldn't want to smoke, would you?

Blocking Pills Think Chantix and the like. They prevent your mind from absorbing the nicotine from the cigarette and enjoying it. Thing is, you don't want nicotine, you want a cigarette. The end result is either no effect at all or an increase in cigarette use because you now feel the effects of nicotine less.

Why Don't These Things Work? The problem with these ideas is that they treat smoking as a physical addiction that can be cured by some kind of magic pill. A quick glance at their dismal success rates shows how poorly these things work, yet people keep trying to quit with them (and lining the pockets of their manufacturers quite nicely!)

So, What Does Work? In order to properly quit smoking, you need to break your mental ties to smoking, not medicate yourself with a bunch of supplements and other silliness.

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