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I want to help any people that want to stop smoking and stop from being
addicted to cigarettes..

I collect all FREE QUIT SMOKING HELP for you..
Just read the articles in this blog, and also read for the tips and trick and simply do it..!

I believe that's not impossible for you to stop smoking..

God Bless You..!

Quit smoking- How to avoid smoking!

If you are fed of smoking and want to stop this addictive habit then get your mind prepared. It is really important to make up your mind to quit smoking because if you are not prepared mentally then your body will not respond in a positive way. There are several smoking cessation programs available in the market which claims to quit smoking successfully and permanently. But before employing any of the quit smoking program, it is better to follow some useful tips which can help you in eradicating unhealthy smoking habit. These are:

• Educate yourself regarding smoking and its ill effects- Knowing the evils of a particular thing usually makes you keep a distance from it. Similarly educate yourself regarding the ill effects of smoking. You can read books which give you information on smoking or you can browse the internet for smoking related information. One can also watch documentaries and videos on smoking affected people as that will motivate and influence you to go for quit smoking.

• Let your family members and friends know about your quit smoking decision - It is always better to make your family members and friends aware about your quit smoking decision. This will make you feel glad when you will see happiness in the yes of people who love you and who want you to lead a smoke free life. You can change the way you live your life if you know that people around you who loves you, want you to change. • Join support groups- If you don't feel like sharing your quit smoking decision and problems with your family members and want a third person then support groups are the best option for you. Support groups are group of people who gather at one place and discuss and advice related to smoking. Smokers can benefit from such support groups because they are seeking for advice and want to implement useful suggestion which can carve out their smoking habit permanently. • Medications and quit smoking programs- Besides lifestyle changes it is really important to employ a good medication or best quit smoking program to accelerate your quit smoking mission. You can also use nicotine patches, gums and other products which are quite useful in eliminating nicotine cravings after quitting. • Healthy diet- While quitting smoking, it is imperative to take a healthy nutritious diet rich in vitamins and mineral so that your body becomes strong to fight against the nicotine withdrawal symptoms. Try to increase the intake of fruits in your diet and take juice whenever you feel nicotine craving. Always keep your body hydrated by taking ample amount of water. • Confidence and will power- Lat but not the least the surest way to succeed in quitting smoking is your confidence and will power. This will surely make you non-smoker and will allow you to lead a healthy smoke free life.

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