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I want to help any people that want to stop smoking and stop from being
addicted to cigarettes..

I collect all FREE QUIT SMOKING HELP for you..
Just read the articles in this blog, and also read for the tips and trick and simply do it..!

I believe that's not impossible for you to stop smoking..

God Bless You..!

How To Cure The Habit Of Smoking

So you have tried just about every trick in the book; you have given it your best shot but you are still unable to stop smoking. Does this sound familiar? Do not fear there is no real shame, in fact you should feel proud that you can admit to the failure and also the fact that you are attempting to quit smoking in the first place. In this article I will be providing an insight into how I successfully managed to stop smoking those nasty but addictive "cancer sticks".

I had tried and failed on numerous occasions to "give up the fags" but ultimately always went back to smoking them. Around fourteen months ago I took a different stance; used a different strategy if you like, this was a strategy that worked and I am pleased to report that I have not smoked a cigarette since. So what was this strategy? Well I started by asking myself a number of questions.

Q. When I fail at quitting smoking what is the trigger that makes me go back to smoking?

A. It has been when I have been intoxicated, stressed, worried, depressed, tired or angry.

Q. What can you replace the cigarettes with in the future that will help you to "cope" with not smoking in the above situations?

A. This is a tough question to answer and is basically the reason why I kept failing. To start with a realised that to stop smoking I really needed to stop drinking alcohol. Was I willing to do this? Yes, I was willing to do anything to successfully stop smoking.

I also had to find a way of de-stressing; a way to cope with my anger and worries. I decided to become a dog owner and nowadays instead of smoking when tired, stressed, worried or depressed, I take my lovely dog Cassie for a walk. It might sound strange but is helps to clear my head and enables me to think in a much more rounded way. What's more it has helped me to stay off the fags.

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