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I want to help any people that want to stop smoking and stop from being
addicted to cigarettes..

I collect all FREE QUIT SMOKING HELP for you..
Just read the articles in this blog, and also read for the tips and trick and simply do it..!

I believe that's not impossible for you to stop smoking..

God Bless You..!

Discover The Link Between Snoring And Smoking

Most people understand all the potential health hazards associated with smoking. But aside from the commonly known things like cancer, it can also contribute to a snoring problem.

Smokers have a high likelihood of being snorers as well. Smoking causes swelling in the tissue of the nose and throat, as well as damaging the lungs. Nicotine can also cause disruptions in sleep that can contribute to snoring.

A group of European researchers studied snoring in a group of smokers between 25 and 55 years old. They studied 15,000 people from five different countries to see if they could find a link between smoking and snoring.

Out of the study group, 24% of the people who currently smoked and 20% of the people who smoked in the past suffered from snoring problems. This was compared to 14% of the people who did not smoke. They found that the more a person smoked, the louder their snoring.

Second-hand smoke also created a higher likelihood of snoring. 20% of the people who lived with someone who smoked also snored.

Another interesting fact they uncovered was that more men smoked but the female smokers had a higher chance of snoring.

So just what is it about smoking that leads to snoring problems? They didn't come up with a definitive answer to that question, but one of the theories is that the irritation to the airways caused by smoking leads to problem breathing, which in turn leads to snoring.

Another theory is that the body goes through nicotine withdrawal while asleep, which disturbs the sleeping pattern. This disturbance contributes to the snoring.

So you can add one more reason for quitting smoking. Not only does it damage your health and your body, it can lead to snoring problems which can ultimately lead to drowsiness, irritability and stress (in both you and your family).

CRD: John Lenaghan

There is a brand new invention that everyone who smokes should know about. It's called the electronic cigarette, also known as a smokeless cigarette or e-cigarette, and it is changing the legal landscape for cigarette smokers around the world.

The patented Electronic Cigarette offers to effectively simulate the experience of smoking an actual cigarette, without any of the health or legal issues surrounding traditional cigarettes.

While Electronic cigarettes look, feel and taste much like traditional cigarettes, they function very differently. You see, electronic cigarettes do not actually burn any tobacco, but rather, when you inhale from an e-cigarette, you activate a "flow censor" which releases a water vapor containing nicotine, propylene glycol, and a scent that simulates the flavor of tobacco. All of which simply means that electronic cigarettes allow you to get your nicotine fix while avoiding all of the cancer causing agents found in traditional cigarettes such as tar, glue, hundreds of additives, and hydrocarbons.

In addition to being healthier than traditional cigarettes, and perhaps most importantly of all, is the fact that electronic cigarettes are completely legal. Because Electronic cigarettes do not involve tobacco, you can legally smoke them anywhere that traditional cigarettes are prohibited such as bars, restaurants, the work place, even on airplanes. Furthermore, electronic cigarettes allow you to smoke with no fears of inflicting harm on others due to nasty second hand smoke.

The refillable cartridges come in a multitude of flavors as well as nicotine strengths. You can get regular, menthol, even apple and strawberry flavored cartridges and nicotine strengths come in full, medium, light, and none. While electronic cigarettes are technically a "smoking alternative" rather than a smoking cessation device, the range of nicotine strengths offers some obvious potential as an aid in the ones attempts to quit smoking and seems to be proving popular within that market.

The nice thing about electronic cigarettes as apposed to say, nicotine patches, is that e-cigarettes produce the same tactile sensation and oral fixation that smokers desire, while satisfying ones tobacco cravings as well. When you take a drag from n electronic cigarette you actually feel the your lungs fill with a warm tobacco flavored smoke and when you exhale the smoke billows out of your lungs just like regular smoking, however, as mentioned, that smoke is actually a much healthier water vapor that quickly evaporates and therefore does not offend anyone in the immediate vicinity.

While electronic cigarettes have been around for a while in various incarnations, it has been recent advances in the technology as well as ever increasing restrictions against smoking that have propelled the e-cigarette into a new found popularity. If you are interested in a healthier alternative to smoking, or if you simply want to have the freedom to smoke wherever and whenever you want, an electronic cigarette might be the solution you've been looking for.

Recommended Electronic Cigarette
You can see it in the right panel..:)

Around the world there are millions of people who are addicted to smoking. Many of them have tried quitting cold turkey however the addiction can be can be so powerful that they need help. One popular product that has already helped millions of people quit is nicotine gum.

How does it work?

First of all, it’s important to understand that nicotine by itself is not harmful to the body. Most cancers and diseases are caused by the chemicals and tar that are found in cigarette smoke. However nicotine is the addictive substance that keeps you coming back for more.

The gum works by supplying the body with just enough nicotine to feed it’s cravings, while at the same time keeping it away from the harmful chemicals that are found in tobacco smoke. By chewing the gum, nicotine is passed to the body through the gums. Once it passes through the gums it’s quickly absorbed into the blood stream, fulfilling the body’s cravings.

How to make the most of it

The process of chewing the gum is what releases the nicotine. The more you chew, the more nicotine is released into your blood stream. To make the gum last longer, it’s recommended that you use what’s called the “chew and park” method. This is where you chew the gum for a short time then “park” it between your gum and cheek. This way you’ll conserve each piece of gum to get the maximum benefit.

Strengths and flavors

The gum is available in 2 strengths: 2mg and 4mg. Most people start out with the stronger dose. After a while you’ll get used to life without smoking. When this happens it’s ok to switch to the weaker strength gum. Eventually the gum will no longer be needed.

There are several flavors available which include:

  • Cinnamon Surge
  • Fruit Chill
  • FreshMint
  • Mint
  • Original

Side Effects

There are a few side effects that need to be considered. These include:

  • Sore jaw
  • Headaches
  • Dizziness
  • Increased heart rate
  • Faintness

If dizziness or faintness occurs you should see a doctor right away.


Don’t allow the fact that it contains nicotine scare you. This is very minor compared to all the dangers of smoking. The fact of the matter is that it has helped millions of people stop smoking. Who knows? Maybe it will be the one method that will help you quit for good.

Recommended nicotine gum suppliers

You can see it in the left panel..:)

Smoking Cessation Tips

"Smoking cessation (stopping smoking) represents the single most important step that smokers can take to enhance the length and quality of their lives.” As stated by the US Surgeon General.

The decision to quit smoking and staying a non-smoker is one of the hardest things to do. In order to ensure that you have the best chance of quitting, it is helpful to know what your options are and where to go for help.

Mark Twain, often quoted for his witticism and accurate life analysis said, "Quitting smoking is easy. I've done it a thousand times." Why is it so difficult? Nicotine.

Tobacco contains nicotine naturally. It is as addictive as cocaine or heroin and, through time, the physical and psychological effects of nicotine take its toll on the body. In order to be a success at quitting smoking, both the physical and psychological aspects must be overcome.

Nicotine gets absorbed into the body through cigarette smoke. The heart, blood vessels, your metabolism, your brain and hormonal system are all affected by nicotine. If a woman smokes during pregnancy, traces of nicotine can be found in amniotic fluid, the umbilical cord blood, breast milk and in the cervix mucous secretions.

Nicotine lingers in the body for 3 to 4 days after stopping smoking.

Nicotine affects the smoker with a pleasant sensation, leading to the desire to smoke more. Nicotine also acts as a depressant and interferes with synapse responses in nerve cells. The nervous system adapts to this influx of nicotine, increasing the tolerance of the smoker and subsequently the number of cigarettes smoked. By smoking a cigarette, nicotine enters the brain more quickly than any other intravenous drug.

When a person quits smoking, the body and brain react to the absence of the drug. This is both a mental and physical process. Behavior modification must be implemented due to the giving up of the habit of smoking. Physically, the body reacts through dizziness, sleep disturbance, headache, tiredness and increased appetitie. Psychologically, the brain and hormonal levels are affected, altering mood and can exact feelings of depression, frustration, anger, irritability, difficulty concentrating and restlessness. These symptoms will often lead the smoker to reconsider quitting in order to balance their body functions again, resulting in a vicious cycle of quitting over and over again. The symptoms above can last from a couple of days to a few weeks.

About 50% of smokers who never quit will die of a smoking-related illness. It is no secret that smoking causes lung cancer but it is a factor in other cancers such as cancer of the mouth, larynx, pharynx, esophagus, kidney, bladder, pancreas, stomach, cervix and some leukemia cancers. The Surgeon General has recently added pneumonia to this list of diseases caused by smoking.

Progressive lung diseases such as emphysema and chronic bronchitis are many times a result of smoking. These are fatal diseases, with long incubation periods and often people in their 60s and 70s will contract these chronic obstructive pulmonary diseases (COPDs).

Heart attacks, peripheral vascular disease and cerebrovascular disease are all intensified health risk possibilities if you smoke.

You have to select a quiet, comfortable place to practice this exercise once you've chosen the place, you need to find a relaxed position. Some people prefer lying down, while others may chose to relax upright in a chair. It's up to you.

After you've found your favorite spot, the lights are subdued, and you've settled into a comfortable lounge chair, close your eyes, take a deep breath, breathing in through your nose...hold it for three seconds...and slowly exhale through your mouth over a six-second period. Inhale...hold it...exhale...inhale...hold it...exhale. Do this for two minutes. Slow, deep, rhythmic breathing helps you to relax. Imagine your tensions flowing out of you with every bit of air you release.

In this tranquil state, you're ready for your self-hypnosis induction, you've already finished the first: relaxation. The following script is the induction process, for stop smoking, finishing up with the awakening technique.

I suggest you tape record the script, or have someone with a calm and serene voice tape it for you, to be played back at each session.

Induction Process…

"You're here to take a nap. You're resting comfortably. You're happy to do what you do when you take a nap...forget the rest of the world. Give up the world, and drift off to sleep without care or concern...There is no effort here, it's just comfort and ease...

"There is no trying to take a nap. It's just permission. Permit yourself some calmness, patience, pleasantness, and gentleness. Don't try hard for these things. Permit them in a passing way...

"A second or two of calmness...a second or two of pleasantness...a second or two of gentleness...

"There is no effort or strain involved in these things. Give permission for calmness...give permission for patience...give permission for gentleness...give permission for gentle resolve to feel the feelings I describe to you...

"It's a real good thing we do here today, so let us be pleasant in patient with me and with yourself...and I will be eternally patient with you...Be gently resolved to feel the feelings I describe to you...

"Those words, 'gently resolved,' are so soft, they're like light' puffy white clouds..."Also, I would like you to pretend and imagine and make believe. These are not false nor are they false feelings...

"I'm happy to tell you that from this moment on, you'll never need to smoke again in your entire cannot be bothered to smoke...It doesn't matter now in what way you formerly smoked...if you smoked when you were driving...or after you ate...when you were on the phone...when you woke up...while you were reading...or at any time, that no longer applies...

You see, instead of the habit of smoking, you now have the good habit of not smoking...of a calmness and self-control whenever and wherever you need doesn't matter who offers you a cigarette or blows smoke in your will not feel tempted or threatened, and you'll respond with something like, 'No thank you, I don't smoke anymore,' demonstrating that you now have control of your mind to make the decision and the will-power to carry it through...

"With each cigarette you no longer smoke, you're more and more reinforced in your new habit not to smoke...Also there will be no substitution of any other habit on the physical will not substitute eating for smoking... In fact, it is your desire to maintain your weight, or if you wish to lose weight, you'll be able to do so even that you've stopped your smoking...

"The same new-found willpower you have acquired in no longer wanting to smoke is there for you in dieting and proper eating...You'll enjoy greater health in ways you may not expect to find...In a few days, your blood will clear and the effects of nicotine will be mainly gone...over a period of weeks and even months, the tars in your lungs will gradually diminish and leave your will enjoy an energy level of unbelievable proportion...

"This is true because you will no longer be inhaling carbon monoxide from cigarettes. That carbon monoxide has been displacing oxygen in your blood...oxygen that should be finding its way to the far reaches of your body...instead, you have been deprived...deprived of oxygen, and instead, circulating poisons...but now, your body will be carrying rich, plentiful oxygen to the far reaches of your body...and your energy level will'll notice it in only a few days...

"You can use this new energy for many things...plan on doing extra things in enjoying your increased good health...

"It doesn't matter if, in the past, you had stopped smoking and started again...even triggers, no emotions, no carelessness, or irresponsible decision-making will ever be a part of, or instrumental in, your returning to smoking...I'm happy to tell you that you'll never have to smoke again in your entire life...and each minute, hour, day, week, month, and year that passes, reinforces this wonderful habit you have NOT to smoke."

The Awakening Process

"I Know that benefit I get from this experience is a positive, healthy experience, and any time I wish to enter this state of ease again, all I need to do is relax in a comfortable position, take several deep breaths, and imagine myself on a wonderful adventure to my special place. Whenever I take several deep breaths and imagine this place, I will notice that I can quickly and easily return to the deep level of relaxation and comfort...

"You will now awaken yourself from this nap by counting backwards from four...and by the time l say 'one' and 'AWAKE,' you will be fully, fully, fully, totally, totally're starting to AWAKE

you are wide
awake and feeling great!"

Practicing this exercise twice in a day regularly will help you cure your fears, stress and anxiety.

CRD: Pradeep Aggarwal

Does Hypnosis Therapy Give You The Willpower Stop Smoking

What is Stop Smoking Therapy in Hypnosis?

Every smoker would been alerted-- by family members, doctors and even strangers about the dangers of smoking. Cancer, emphysema and heart disease are some of the health problems associated with long -term smoking. But if you want to quit smoking, but just don't have the willpower, you should seriously consider a stop smoking hypnosis program. In stop smoking hypnosis therapy you can manipulate your own subconscious into helping you break the psychological addiction to smoking cigarettes. And the sooner you are able to quit smoking, the sooner your health risks will be reduced.

How Does Stop Smoking Hypnosis Work

Stop Smoking Hypnosis is conducted by a hypno-therapist who has been trained to provide suggestions to your subconscious mind. Everyone who smokes has your natural cigarette triggers, such as driving or eating, watching TV, with subconscious reminders about the positive effects of quitting smoking. Hypnotherapy helps to reduce your cravings and improve your confidence in your ability to quit smoking. Stop smoking hypnosis can also be done at home via CD or through other audio. The use of hypnosis to cure the habit of smoking has varying results. It depends on your susceptibility to being hypnotized. However many people believe that the therapy allowed them to quit smoking with virtually no withdrawal symptoms or cravings.

What Are The Advantages of Stop Smoking Hypnosis

There are many advantages in a stop smoking hypnosis program. There are many products in the market to help you quit smoking, including nicotine patches and gums, but all of them have some side effects. Hypnosis therapy has some unique benefits. These benefits are:

There is a decrease in health risks if the therapy is successful

The treatment uses no drug drugs
Therapy can be completed quickly and there is no long-term cost
Stop smoking hypnosis therapy also boosts your confidence
The Therapy focuses on the positive
The Therapy can be made to suit your personal smoking triggers and habits

How Do You Find a Stop Smoking Hypnosis Program

There are many ways by which you can locate a stop smoking hypnosis program. Many Stop Smoking Hypnosis therapists advertise on the Internet. Some can be found in the phone directory. Finding the right therapist to help you quit smoking is a matter of personal preference. You can search for therapists on the Internet and choose a therapist close to your location.

CRD: Pradeep Aggarwal

Effective Hypnosis Quit Smoking Methods

Hypnosis quit smoking methods maintain caused quite a stir in the medical world over the last two decades. There is a lot of argument pertaining to whether or not hypnosis quit smoking treatments are actually useful in the long-term. Nonetheless, there has been much research conducted concerning the treatments, and the agreement is that hypnosis treatments are just as effective as any variant stop smoking product.

I am not discouraged, because every wrong attempt discarded is another step forward. Thomas Alva Edison

Whether you have been smoking since your adolescence or if you just became genuinely addicted, hypnosis quit smoking treatments can assist you get on top of the intense cravings that most persons experience when they try to quit smoking. The process of hypnosis to support stop smoking involves a hypnotherapist who guides the patient into a heightened condition of awareness that is also a dreamlike state. In this state of perception, the patient is highly susceptible to suggestions. The hypnotherapist will suggest a variety of phrases that help to cut down the patient's cravings and reliance on cigarettes. Many therapists claim that the pressure reduction brought about via hypnosis is the primary explanation why it works. Patients feel less stress and are therefore less likely to use cigarettes as a means to reduce stress throughout the day.

Though hypnosis quit smoking methods do appear to travail in the short term, there is still much debate pertaining to the long-term effects of the treatments. For example, hypnosis can help some person stop smoking for a few months, but after the treatments are finished, it may be hard for a patient to continue to thwart the drive to smoke. However, hypnosis is still considered one of the most popular commonplace stop smoking aids. Because it does not include prescription or nicotine supplements, it is one of the healthiest ways to quit smoking.

There are typically a few hypnosis quit smoking clinics in most metropolitan areas. For instance, Atlanta hypnosis quit smoking clinics are scattered all over throughout the city. With regular stop smoking methods gaining more and more approval, hypnosis is becoming one of the more common ways to obtain quit smoking support.

A journey of a thousand miles must begin with a single step. Lao-tzu, Tao-te Ching

When you are trying to quit smoking, hypnosis quit smoking methods and alternate ways to help yourself quit are only as productive as your willpower allows them to be. You have to be ready to give up smoking before even the finest quit smoking way will work. Quit smoking tips can only go so far when it comes to reducing your cravings. You must be ready to fight your urges in order for any quit smoking aids to be useful. However, if you are resolute to quit smoking, you can use any figure of stop smoking products to help you along on your journey toward a smoke-free lifestyle. From natural to medical alternatives, you are never by oneself while you are trying to quit smoking.

CRD: Steve Hill

Using laser treatment to help you quit smoking

Using laser treatment to quit smoking is considered to be one of the most effective smoking cessation methods. This method was introduced to the public only in the recent years and is considered to be a rather modern and even innovation method.

The laser quit smoking system is based upon a simple and very old principle. It is a well known fact that certain point in human body are nerve centers and they can encourage changes in the body. This principle is used in many disciplines such as acupuncture, reflexology, shiatsu and more. The point is, if you apply pressure to certain points in human body, you can get certain predictable effects.

This principle is used in stop smoking laser treatment. Low intensity laser beam is applied to those specific point in your body. The result is an almost immediate reduction of the cravings that accompany the smoking cessation.

This way you can go through the first stages of quitting smoking without the cravings associated with them.

Naturally, reducing the cravings is not always enough, as there are more aspects to quitting smoking. Therefore, the laser treatment goes very well along with behavioral therapy that will eliminate the psychological aspects of addiction. The laser simply deals with the physical Nicotine addiction.
The treatment is very "clean" and has no side effects, like some of the medications people take to quit smoking.

So, is Laser treatment to quit smoking a good idea for you?

Well, you must consider the following:

* It could be quit expensive. Prices very, and you should compare a few clinics before choosing. Some health insurances cover the cost of this treatment, so check it with your health insurance.
* You should plan to combine the laser treatment with behavioral therapy. Undergoing a laser treatment only will not give you good results in many cases.

Besides from that, laser treatment to quit smoking is a good choice to make as a quit smoking aid. Just remember that you really have to want to quit in order to make it. Laser treatment will help, but it's you that actually quits smoking.

Quitting smoking is not easy, but can be done. Be sure to get all the Smoking Cessation advice you need to start on your way to a new life, today!

Relax While You Quit Smoking?

To a seasoned smoker the word �relax� is not normally associated with the thought of smoking cessation. In fact, if you speak with most smokers they will readily tell you that failure to quit smoking is almost always associated with some form of stressor and the inability to relax.

Advanced Laser Solutions is a unique service assisting those within the greater tri-state area (Ohio, Pennsylvania, and Michigan) to do just this � quit smoking without the stress through its use of low-level laser therapy.

Similar to acupuncture, the treatment targets trigger areas in your face, neck, ears, and hands. Low-level laser therapy is painless and takes about twenty minutes.

In addition to the de-stressing effects that you will experience with low-level laser therapy, you can now enjoy a relaxing or deep tissue massage. Advanced Laser Therapy has teamed up with Denise Kotkowski, a masseuse, also a Certified Senior Approved Service. Ms. Kotkowski will offer your choice of a table massage or a chair massage at the Westlake location each Saturday by appointments.

For additional information regarding massages or the stop smoking treatment, please call 216-663-0766. Advanced Laser Solutions has two locations for your convenience. They are located in Garfield Heights right off of Route 480 and Transportation Blvd and also in Westlake off of Crocker. Within the next few months, a third location is scheduled to open in Mayfield Heights.

Advanced Laser Solutions is a Certified Senior Approved Service. To learn about their recent survey results, feel free to contact Senior Approved Services at 440-471-4179.

What is Laser treatment and how will it help you stop smoking?
Current medical reports indicate that endorphin levels are considerably higher in smokers than in non-smokers. When you stop smoking this results in a sudden drop in endorphin levels leading to withdrawal symptoms and cravings.

Laser Therapy helps to balance endorphin levels, thus helping to control the addiction and pacify the cravings. It assists you to stop smoking - the all-encompassing cravings are gone.

Laser treatment is the application of a cold, non-evasive pain free laser beam to specific points of the body that stimulates and releases endorphins.

The treatment helps enable individuals to concentrate on lifestyle changes associated with becoming smoke free. Laser Treatment is a very relaxing experience, something you probably have not been promised in the past as you tried to stop smoking.

Acupuncture is an alternative medical method that originated from China. This method is based upon the old Chinese assumption that there are invisible energy point scattered across the human body. Theses energy points are called Meridians. during an acupuncture treatment, tiny needles are inserted into the Meridians, causing he energy flow through them to change. This principle is used for quit a few benefits:

* It can "open up" energy blocks that will relieve pain and stress
* It can reduce cravings
* It can strengthen your energy and vitality

In the past years, Acupuncture has been used, among other uses, to help people stop smoking. The treatment included inserting the needles to specific points (among them, a few points in the outer ear). This treatment was supposed to reduce the cravings to another cigarette and help those people on their way to quit smoking. In the first few years of using this method, it was quit popular and gained a lot of followers that recommended it. That was mainly because the method is not invasive and is very suitable for people who can't, or won't take medicine and other "strong stuff". But, for the last few years, the use of Acupuncture in smoking cessation has reduced
significantly. This happens because of the following reasons:

* The percentage of people who actually stooped smoking while using Acupuncture was small. This indicated that Acupuncture is not the best choice for people who want to quit smoking.
* New solutions were introduced to the scene, such as laser treatment, and shots treatment. This article does not discuss these methods, so let's just say that they proved to be by far more effective than Acupuncture.

To conclude, It is clear that Acupuncture has it's place as an alternative method, and many people report getting results with it. If you want to give it a shot in your efforts to stop smoking, it is advised that you find a therapist with a proven back record of success with helping people stop smoking. However, I would say that as a means to help smoking cessation, there are much better solutions out there, so Acupuncture is in my opinion not the best choice.

So you want to quit smoking for good? Get all the quit smoking support you need to start on your way to a new life, today!

Ron Hel-Or

Are you a diabetic? Do you smoke? Do people around you smoke? We all know smoking is a direct cause of cancer but if you have diabetes smoking - including passive smoking - leads to other health problems...

Here are 7 reasons why mixing diabetes with smoking is a very bad idea:

1) You are more likely to get nerve damage (neuropathy). This is because smoking affects your blood circulation and that in turn means your nerve endings are not getting the nutrients they need. If this happens to the nerves in your feet it could lead to sores and infections and, if not taken care of properly, even amputation.

2) There is an increased risk � double in fact -of you getting limited mobility in your joints. It's no fun trying to bend, climb stairs or lift something when you have a painful joint.

3) Because of smoking you could develop kidney disease.

4) When you smoke your blood pressure increases. Increased blood pressure creates a real risk of heart disease.

5) Research has shown that diabetics who smoke increase, 3-fold, the risk of dying of heart (cardiovascular) disease.

6) By smoking you increase your blood-sugar levels. This makes it more difficult to control your diabetes because your glucose levels could be fluctuating quite dramatically. This, in turn, leads to other problems.

7) And it also increases your cholesterol levels, which increases the risk of a heart attack.

In fact smoking - and passive smoking - have a seriously detrimental effect on the ABC's of diabetes management:

A1C - the measurement of your blood glucose over a 3-month period
B - your blood pressure, which should be below 130/80
C - your cholesterol levels. Cholesterol levels include LDL, HDL and triglycerides. Your LDL should be below 100. HDL levels should be above 40 (for men) and above 50 (for women). Tryglycerides should be below 150.

And, of course, on top of all that there's the proven risk of cancer!

CRD: Carol Bentley

More Great Reasons to Quit Smoking Today

As if you don't have enough reasons already, here are a few more reasons to quit smoking today. Hopefully they'll help you get to the point where you're finally ready to quit for good.

1. Coughing

This one should be obvious, but because I went through it in a big way, it's first on my list. I had an awful smoker's cough when I smoked, and it went completely away within a week of quitting. The body heals amazingly fast, and you'll feel better shortly after quitting!

2. Exercise

Ever try jogging with a cigarette? Lifting weights? I didn't think so. I was a bit, shall we say, round around the middle as a smoker. I didn't start some ridiculous exercise routine when I quit, I just went for a walk every day or so. You feel a lot better when you don't smoke, and being able to walk and enjoy the outdoors really shows it.

3. Food

People don't really seem to mention this one as much, but smoking apparently kills your sense of taste and smell. Few days after quitting, food started tasting better. A lot better. There's also the downside of bad smells being worse, but we're not going to go there.

4. Dating

Being a smoker makes you a lot less attractive. I didn't really notice this until after I quit, but it makes a huge difference. As a non-smoker, I feel a lot more approachable than before. People will want to talk to you a lot more when you aren't breathing cigarette smoke at them with every word.

CRD: Susan L Roberts

Learning to Quit Smoking Marijuana

If you wish to learn to quit smoking marijuana, the first step is to know yourself first. Whether you really want to quit smoking or not is a conscious decision that you have to make. Next try convincing yourself that you are no longer in need of the herb because you have had enough .Then comes the phase when your inner being will begin to repulse it. However this is not all. If you have to keep your mind off smoking successfully for the rest of your life then it is imperative that you keep yourself occupied well enough.

It is often noticed that the alternative to marijuana is not that strong to keep the smoker away from it. This is a vital point. You have to look for a replacement that is more effective than marijuana. Some form of productive work will give you more than the satisfaction that you got from smoking. You can engage yourself in social work, or in a hobby or even religious activities. This will in time build up a strength in you that will make marijuana insignificant to you forever. Anything that you like to do will naturally energize you. Often people revert to marijuana feeling that it energizes them. This is not true. If you think carefully you will realize that marijuana merely gives you a high but depletes you of all your energy.

Replace marijuana with something that will give you a sense of fulfillment. Satisfaction with what you are doing can give you the impetus to do more .Thus your mind gradually drifts away from marijuana. Moreover, there is a unique way of rendering you total happiness. Just jot down your happy moments in life. Go back in time and pen down the moments you are proud of. Live in those happy moments and that will inspire you to add a few more happy times to your present life.

Find some unusual tricks to quit smoking marijuana in Bobby Min's website and kick off this nasty addiction for good!

CRD: Bobby Min

Quitting Smoking Side Effects

Nicotine is the substance in cigarettes that binds us all. It is one of the most toxic and addictive substances known to man and has been said to be even more addictive than heroin. Every person's body is different, and depending on how addicted you actually are to nicotine, the side effects of giving up cigarettes can vary from mild to extreme.

The most common side effect of breaking nicotine addiction is a massive drop in blood sugar levels. This usually continues for the first three days and eventually stabilizes by the end of the first week. This rapid decrease in blood sugar is what causes people to have throbbing headaches, dizziness, fogginess, and the strange symptom of time distortion. Many people often report having massive cravings for anything sweet. This is the body trying to account for the sudden shock and loss of blood sugar.

Extreme anxiety, irritability, mood swings, and insomnia are all very common side effects from quitting smoking. Some people also get extreme nausea, vomiting for days until the body starts to stabilize itself. All of these symptoms are your body's natural response to the inhalation of a toxic chemical. It is using it's natural cleansing processes to rid you of the toxins. To help it along, be sure to drink a lot of water...much more than you would normally drink.

Just remember that these side effects are only temporary. Most of them will fade away within a week, but the craving may last weeks or even months before your mind is truly free of the habit. Don't worry too much about gaining weight, either. Gaining a few pounds is far healthier than inhaling the 4000+ chemicals that cigarettes pump into your body with every puff that you take!

Still having trouble quitting smoking? Check out, an interesting and informative site the I came across about an alternative way to quit smoking Good luck to you, and remember to keep a positive attitude!

CRD: David Falken

You have been thinking that it’s time to quit smoking. But maybe you’ve been thinking that its time to quit smoking ever since you started and you are still smoking. You know that the health benefits of quitting are incredible. Still, you are smoking a cigarette or thinking of smoking one right now. Have you examined your reasons for not quitting? Maybe you think you can’t handle the withdrawal symptoms.

Try looking at it this way: Smoking cigarettes is like pointing a gun at your head. The gun won’t go off until ten or twenty years have passed. The thing is that the gun will go off eventually. How many years have you been smoking? Five, ten, fifteen, twenty, forty? However long it’s been, the time to quit smoking is now. Really, it was yesterday, but now will have to do. Put that gun down. Stop embarrassing yourself in public. When nonsmokers see someone smoking, they make judgments about it. Stop giving them a reason to judge you.

Not only is there an increasing social stigma attached to smokers, but the health benefits of quitting are endless. Do it now. Don’t keep putting it off. You know that your body can’t handle smoking without taxing years off of your life. If the financial cost hasn’t caused you to stop smoking, then quit for the sake of the health benefits from quitting.

No one thinks that it is easy to stop smoking, but it is worth it to quit smoking and quit committing slow and painful suicide.

• If you stop smoking, you will also eliminate over four thousand different poisonous chemicals from your body.

• If you quit smoking, you will be able to eat comfortably in any restaurant whether they allow smoking or not. You will also not have to wait for a seat in the smoking section if the state or country you are in allows for smoking in public eateries.

• If you stop smoking, you will be able to save a percentage of your income. You can put the money that you have been spending on smoking into a jar or a savings account. At the end of a year, you will probably have enough money to make a very nice purchase or go on vacation.

• If you quit smoking, you will not repel nonsmokers who see you smoking or smell the smoke on your clothes and skin. Smoking is such a stigmatized habit now that you will surely see a difference in the way that the world interacts with you if you stop smoking.

• If you’ve been smoking for many years, imagine what you have been missing out on in fragrances and foods. Maybe you don’t really know what different spices taste like because your taste buds and sense of smell are overloaded with the many different poisons that are in tobacco products. If you stop smoking, you will find out what fragrances you have been missing out on.

The health benefits of quitting are important. The social and financial benefits are also important. Quitting is important, but it is not easy. You will not only face the psychological struggle when you quit smoking. You will also face some physical challenges. Some of these common physical and psychological challenges are listed below.

• When you stop smoking, you might find yourself feeling depressed.

• When you quit smoking, you might find that you are struggling with insomnia or changes in your sleep patterns.

• You might find that you are cranky, frustrated or irritable when you stop smoking.

• You might find that your appetite is greatly increased, and this could lead to some weight gain when you quit smoking.

If you really think that you cannot handle the physical and psychological challenges, there are various methods that people have found to be very helpful when it was time to quit smoking. Research a bit on the new and powerful methods to stop smoking.

CRD: Sig Kabai

You know you really want to stop smoking. You are also aware that you have one excuse after another. You might think that you have too much going on at work to stop smoking right now. Or you might rationalize that you’ll keep looking for the perfect cure for you to stop smoking. Maybe you’ve tried to quit smoking several times, and you always failed. Whatever your excuse is, the fact remains that you are still smoking. You must quit this deadly habit. Do it for yourself. You deserve the health benefits of quitting. You deserve the financial gain from not spending money on cigarettes. You deserve to be able to go to a party and smell like cologne or perfume rather than an ashtray.

The health benefits of quitting smoking are plentiful. As a result of more and more evidence to support the benefits of quitting, people are beginning to change their lives. They are quitting in large numbers. Smoking tobacco products such as cigarettes and cigars is a habit that many people are letting go. If you are a smoker, maybe you are considering quitting smoking. Did you also know that if you quit smoking, these health benefits of quitting for your body would begin to happen almost immediately?

• 20 minutes after you quit smoking your blood pressure and pulse return to normal.

• 8 hours after you stop smoking, the nicotine and carbon monoxide levels in your blood are reduced by fifty percent. Oxygen levels in your body return to normal after you stop smoking.

• 24 hours after you quit smoking, your body rids itself of carbon monoxide. The lungs begin to clear out mucus and smoking debris after you quit smoking.

• 48 hours after you stop smoking, you will not have any nicotine in your body. Your sense of taste and smell will be much stronger after you stop smoking.

• 72 hours after you quit smoking, you will be able to breathe much easier. Your bronchial tubes will start to relax. Your energy level will increase after you have quit smoking for only 72 hours.

• 2 to 12 weeks after you stop smoking, the circulation in your body increases.

• 3 to 9 months after you quit smoking, any breathing problems, coughs, and wheezing will improve. Your lung capacity will be increased by 10% in 3 to 9 months after you stop smoking.

• 5 years after you stop smoking, your risk of a heart attack is going to be half the risk of a smoker’s.

• 10 years after you quit smoking, your risk of a heart attack will be the same as someone who never smoked. Your risk of lung cancer is going to be half of that of a smoker’s. The health benefits of quitting smoking are very important as you can see here.

When you stop smoking, you will change the course of your life. The health benefits of quitting smoking start immediately. However, it will take time for your body to heal all the way back to normal. The health benefits of quitting are immense. However, health is only one of the reasons to quit smoking. In fact, there are many other reasons to quit smoking such as the ability to taste food better, fewer sore throats and better looking skin and teeth.

Before you look at the challenges and think that you cannot meet them, ask yourself if you are really willing to choose lung cancer, emphysema, and heart disease over a little crankiness or the blues. You are not going to choose cancer over a little stress, are you? The health benefits of quitting are going to last you a lifetime. The challenges will ease up within a few weeks.

CRD: Sig Kabai

Best Quit Smoking Plan

The best quit smoking plan is to use your noggin!

Lucky you if you're quitting smoking and decided not to waste your time and money on drugs, but opted to deal with your psychological habit as well as the physical nicotine addiction.

It's a myth that nicotine is the big problem—it is a problem all right, but more a temporary darn nuisance. The best quit smoking plan is to concentrate on overcoming your habitual and emotional addiction, which is the secret to serious and lasting success.

Clear your mind of any worry that nicotine has you in its grip.

Yes it's nasty stuff, but it's out of your bloodstream in 48-72 hours, even for the heaviest smokers.

However, there's a billion dollar drug industry out there, pandering to the human desire for quick fixes, and fortunes are being made by promoting a lengthy withdrawal of nicotine with drugs for temporarily controlling the desire for a smoke. But recognize the medical truth, the facts when quitting smoking…

Nicotine withdrawal lasts 48-72 hours maximum and like going off many drugs including coffee, it may cause various degrees of short term irritability, lack of concentration, stomach ache, headache, and mild depression.

Of course SOME smokers looking for the best quit smoking plan WILL quit using any one of the various techniques available; because they believe what they are using will work. Their belief is due to faith in advertising, doctors and pharmaceutical products, recommendations, some new clever gimmick trumpeted by press releases, and so on.

But mostly these people can thank the power of their mind—their BELIEF that they can quit.

Yes, once someone has made a decision to quit, and paid money—if the method says bang your head against the wall 3 times a day, or drink this purple liquid, then one out of 10-20 people will quit. As Woody Allan said, "80% of success is in your decision, 20% in your actions."

Whatever reasons you started to smoke (maybe peer pressure, the cool or grown-up factor, trauma, stress, or your mother told you not to), the stimulant drug, nicotine, then usually steps in and you are hooked.

Possibly you've discovered by now that due to the simple chemical effects of nicotine on the brain, it helps you avoid dealing with unpleasant emotions.

Simply put, the brain chemical dopamine is released, which produces feelings of satisfaction and pleasure. After a while the ritual becomes important and your habit is fed by triggers.

These triggers feed your subconscious and tell you mentally when it's smoko time, as well as the nicotine physically telling you it's top up time.

Smoking may be a coping mechanism when you're upset, sad, anxious, bored or a signal to take a break from work, walk the dog, drink etc.

Cigarettes become your friend to turn to in need, and hey, we all need our friends.

Consider this: Dan has a heart attack, is rushed to hospital and with modern methods is saved and finally after 2 weeks is allowed home. Do you think Dan, a smoker, was allowed to smoke in hospital—no way José.

So he's got no physical nicotine addiction now, but he gets home and the phone rings. It's Mick, so he reaches into his pocket for his smokes because he always used to sit back and have a nice yarn on the phone to Mick—and a smoke. Oops, back to the old habit! That's just one of the many cues Dan has to un-learn or re-program in his mind if he wants to stop smoking permanently.

If you are quitting smoking, the best quit smoking plan for you is to recognize the facts—do you want to spend months trying out a drug, or do you want to quit quickly and permanently using your own noggin.

CRD: Megan Carter

Did you know that if women quit smoking when they were pregnant that infant deaths could be reduced by up to 10 percent? Pregnancy and smoking and first trimester are not words that go together. The good news is that no can report that a woman who has smoked prior to her pregnancy is putting her baby at risk. However, smoking during pregnancy is very hazardous to an unborn baby.

Pregnancy and smoking and first trimester have been linked to 100,000+ miscarriages and 5,500+ infant deaths per year. Smoking also puts an expectant mother at risk for complications such as vaginal bleeding, premature rupture of the membranes, early delivery and more. Evidence is showing that a pregnant mother who smokes may have a baby who has a low birth weight. Low birth weight and being born too small is a major cause of infant illness and perinatal death.

If you are pregnant and a smoker you should know that the best time to quit is during the first trimester. Pregnancy and smoking and first trimester are not words that go together. Here are some tips that will help you get started on breaking the smoking habit.

Find out what motivates you to smoke. Is it the stimulation? Maybe you do it to relax? Do you use smoking as a way to relieve tension and stress? Maybe you smoke simply out of habit? Are you even aware of when you light up a cigarette or do you find yourself smoking out of habit? If you are able to find out what motivates you to smoke you can find a substitute to replace the smoking.

Find something that will motivate you to quit smoking. This is very easy for a pregnant woman. Your motivation is to have a healthy pregnancy and a healthy baby.

Find a method that will help you to quit smoking. Talk with your OB/GYN and find a way that you can quit together. Many expectant mothers chose to quit smoking cold turkey. Others wean themselves off of cigarettes during the first trimester simply because smoking makes them feel ill.

If you like smoking because it keeps your hands busy, try to do something else with your hands. You can suck on a lollipop, play with a pencil, knit, play a musical instrument, paint your fingernails and more.

If you smoke for the oral gratification, find something to replace it. This can include chewing on gum, veggies, popcorn, or simply placing a toothpick in your mouth.

If you smoke because it stimulates you, why not walk instead? Walking can give you an energy boost and help clear your head when you are feeling tired.

If you simply smoke because it is a habit, try to develop a new habit to take its place. Every time you feel like smoking you can go brush your teeth or go to a certain area in your home to relax and listen to music. If you smoke in certain situations or when you eat or drink certain foods, avoid those situations, foods and drinks for a while.

Pregnancy and smoking and first trimester are simply words that do not fit together. Not only do they sound strange on paper, but they are dangerous words to put together in life. Remember, if you can get past the first few days of withdrawal they will be worth it. Not only will your baby be healthier, but you will be healthier.

CRD: Shalene Chamings

If you’re a smoker, and people around you know it, you’re probably barraged by demands to stop. Some are caring and kindly. Others abrasive, even disgusted. Do the people you love quote scary facts and figures at you? Does it make you want to stop? No? Thought so.

Or maybe you yourself want to stop smoking. You may even be heard to say that you desperately want to stop smoking. Uh-oh. Desperation may make it harder to stop.

So is there no way out? Nothing you can do? There is something. And it’s startlingly simple. Here it is: Let smoking cessation be a desire for you. Something you want—and choose—to do.

Even if your doctor, your spouse, and your best buddies say “You absolutely must stop smoking!” make it that you want to stop smoking. It’s a desire. Desires are more compelling than orders, aren’t they? That’s because orders make you angry and you want to ignore them.

Give an adult an order and he or she quickly reverts to a willful five-year-old. “I will NOT!” The voice may have gotten deeper but the attitude stays the same.

What if you were ordered to eat your favorite cake? Maybe you’d eat it. Maybe not. But most certainly it wouldn’t be as fun as choosing to eat your favorite cake.

Desires, rather than orders, threats, or commands, are alluring. Desirable. Seductive.

They invite you to do something, and let you know it’s what you’ve wanted to do all along. So invite yourself to be a nonsmoker, the way you’d invite someone special to a lovely dinner party. How to do that?

First, think of what it would be like to be a nonsmoker. Might your hair smell fresher? What about your breath and clothes? Might your teeth look whiter without nicotine to stain them yellow and, eventually, brown? Would you prefer to keep your teeth as you get older instead of succumbing to gum disease and tooth loss, as many smokers eventually do?

How about fewer trips to the dry cleaners to keep your clothes odor-free? What would you do with the savings? After some years, they could be substantial. And would you enjoy having fewer age lines, and fresher, clearer skin as you age? Does improved breathing sound good to you? It should because it can mean appearing younger, walking and running easily, and having more stamina for most activities, including sex.

Here’s another benefit you might enjoy: lower insurance costs. Extra money to put toward a vacation or your next shiny, new car. Why lower insurance costs? That’s because many insurance companies penalize smokers because they’re statistically likely to run up higher health-care bills. And if we’re talking about life insurance, nonsmokers tend to live longer and healthier.

But if you’re considering just lying about being a nonsmoker, beware. Yes, beware. Because if your insurance company were to discover that your illness was caused or exacerbated by your smoking, and their records show you claimed to be a nonsmoker, they might choose to fight against paying health care costs. Is it really worth all that just to put a white stick between your lips and inhale tar and other poisons?

But that white stick seemed to do something for you that we haven’t taken into account yet. Fair is fair, so let’s make a list.

It gave you something to do.
It made you look like you were doing something so you didn’t seem lonely.
It helped you avoid snacking, so you think it kept your weight down.
It let you disconnect from others when you wanted to.
It helped you connect with others. Other smokers. You hung out together outside once
no-smoking laws forbade you to smoking indoors.

Fair enough.

The important question is: do you prefer to avoid early aging, smelly hair, yellow, brown or missing teeth, not to mention the serious illnesses caused or made worse by smoking— or do you prefer to smoke?

Another good question is: Can you get something to do, look like you’re doing something, choose healthier, low calorie snacking to stay lean, and find other ways to connect and disconnect from others as you choose? If you can, you simply don’t need to smoke.

But smokers like to smoke because when they were young, they learned to connect it with independence. The Marlboro Man looked pretty independent, didn’t he? Maybe, but not as much when he was hooked up to oxygen so he could breathe.

So if you love independence and doing what you want to do instead of being told, the answer is simple. You can choose independence from cigarette companies, restaurants that ban smoking, friends who urge you to smoke with them and friends who nag you to stop smoking. You can just choose to quit smoking. Simply because you—and nobody else—said so. And that’s that. Feels pretty powerful, independent, and freeing—doesn’t it?

CRD: Wendy Lapidus-Saltz

How To Get A Man To Quit Smoking

if you’d like to know how to help a man make the decision and take the actions to stop smoking, you’re in the right place. But you need to understand some things first:

1. Men Vs. Women Smokers

Many of my smoking cessation clients are women. They awaken one day with this feeling inside and say: I’m going to stop smoking!

Sometimes it’s because they want to get pregnant. Or because they worry about the link between smoking and various cancers, heart conditions, or other diseases that affect women. Sometimes it’s because they know they smell like smoke, or they’re wasting money, or it’s getting harder to breathe when they exercise.

Sometimes it’s because a cute little girl said, “Mommy, I wanna smoke, just like you.”

So they make the decision, and then call me and ask how soon they can come in. If I said, “Five minutes from now,” they’d manage to arrive on time, no matter how far away they live. That’s how women smokers act when they quit for good. But men? Well…

2. Men Are Different And What That Means

I’m going to be doing some generalizing here, so buckle your seatbelt and know that I’m trying to make important points that apply to many male smokers, if not all. Mea culpa, but I believe it’s important.

To a man, smoking means something different than to a woman.

To a woman (alert: I’m generalizing again), it’s a way to hang out with her smoking friends; something to do with her hands; an ill-advised method for keeping her weight down (she believes) and a way to create some smoke curls that (she believes) make her look elegant, graceful, and interesting.

To a man, though he won’t admit it, it’s tied up with his manhood.

It doesn’t really matter how, when or why he began smoking, but here are the favorites:

he learned at his father’s knee
he tried his first cigarette with a crowd of other boys
he took it up because John Wayne smoked
he wanted to rebel
he wanted to feel okay as a loner
he’ll look like he’s doing something so the woman he loves will leave him alone
he smokes outside his office building so he can bond with his boss
he started (again) because George Clooney looked so cool smoking in Good Night and Good Luck (substitute any hot male star in any noteworthy film)

Regardless which scenario, it’s about masculinity and what that means to him.

3. Ways To Encourage A Man To Stop Smoking

There are four or five solid ways to get a guy to stop smoking. And a hundred ways to make him smoke more in your attempt to get him to stop. If you’re a woman who loves a man who smokes, you know many of the hundred. When I retire, I may compile them all. In the meantime, here are some of the ways that have been tried.

4. Worst Ways

nagging him
getting his mother to nag him
showing him articles that say smoking = death
showing him articles that say smoking leads to a long list of horrible diseases
asking his doctor to tell him, especially if he finds out you did
saying he stinks, literally
saying you won’t have sex with him if he continues to smoke
saying his cough sounds symptomatic of something horrible
reminding him he swore he would stop
naming friends, relatives and celebrities who are ill or dead due to smoking

These don’t work because for most men because every time you make the argument, it will trigger an answer that proves it’s not true for him. Remind him that so-and-so died of lung cancer, and he’ll remember that so-and-so smoked filterless cigarettes, smoked more often and longer.

Every time you nag, he’ll offer himself a counter-example. Every time you demonstrate why he shouldn’t smoke, he’ll see how his situation is different.

Soon he may tune out your voice entirely when he knows a stop-smoking argument is coming.

5. Best Ways

A. He discovers for himself—physical effects in his own body, or stories about a close friend who is very sick, or news stories, or a very smart doctor who knows how to talk to men directly without being an alarmist. He makes the decision.

B. A child tells him, innocently and disingenuously. Kids say the darnedest things. And spoken with such innocence, it could make a stone cry. Especially if the child is the man’s own blood. (Bribery is okay for this good cause; just make sure the kid stays quiet.)

C. He reads an article that hits so close to home, he can’t ignore it. He just “happened” to find this article in the house.

D. He hears from his wife or a beloved daughter these words: “I’m having a baby!” A first (grand)child or a late-in-life baby are especially compelling.

E. A combination of any of the above.

6. What To Say When A Man Tells You He Is Stopping Smoking

Be pleasantly surprised, even if you were prepping this for months. Be pleased, and don’t offer to help. Let him ask.

Avoid saying “It’s about time” or “I told you you’d better.” Instead try “That’s great.” Then stop. If he looks like he is trusting you not to nag, you might quietly add “Can I do anything?” but if you’ve been a nag, steer clear of even that.

Don’t ask about his progress, let him tell you. If he chooses to talk, be supportive and proud of him, as if the idea was all his. Because, truthfully, it was.

CRD: Wendy Lapidus-Saltz

How To Quit Smoking

First off, consult a medical professional if you smoke or if you have any other addictions that may have deleterious effects.

If you smoke and have been thinking about quitting, or have tried quitting, then this article is for you. If you don’t smoke, but have some other addiction, then I also encourage you to read this article, as it’s theory can be used to quit other substances as well.

Quitting smoking is not all that difficult, if done properly. So many people fail to quit because of a lack of proper planning. Fail to plan and you plan to fail, as the saying goes. So how will you go about getting away from those tasty cancer sticks for good? If executed with the proper plan, quitting will not be agonizing, though you will experience some discomfort.

I'll skip telling you about how bad cigarettes are for you because you already know. You are bombarded with that information constantly.

I won’t tell you that you need to try some new nicotine patch or gum, or some other pill. These products just give you more of what you don’t want: nicotine. They are just a way for the drug companies to make more money. Don’t let them sell you on these. Quitting smoking requires no purchases.

So many people fail to quit each year because of a lack of planning. "I’m going to quit smoking" is not a plan. Not at all. Most of the time it does not work. This is because it is the goal, not the plan. If everyone who ever said or thought that actually quit, their would be very, very few smokers in our society. In fact, I suspect that the tobacco industry would have been reduced to a negligible size altogether. However, the tobacco industry remains massive because people do not quit through a strategic plan. These people are the bread-and-butter of the cigarette manufacturers.

Quitting smoking presents a challenge for two reasons:

1) Nicotine withdrawals. Nicotine is everything to the tobacco industry. Without nicotine, cigarettes would be no more addictive than chewing gum.

2) Taking smoking out of your day will be taking out an activity that is associated with taking a break, relaxing, or interacting socially with other smokers.

If we will be successful, we will have to address both of these challenges with a rigorous plan, but before I get to that plan I will go over the mind-set that is required for permanent termination of your habit.

This mind-set is made up of 3 parts:

1. Know that you will quit smoking. Think about this one for a while. Get used to envisioning yourself as a non smoker.

2. Know that you will have to quit eventually, or accept the likelihood of the onset of a terminal disease.

3. Know that the sooner you quit, the easier it will be to do so.

Let’s go over that last one a little. Often, as a smoker, you will have a cigarette sooner rather than later simply to avoid the onset of a craving. Cravings can be quite uncomfortable, as any smoker will tell you. So, you become proactive in your approach in that you will have the cigarette before the craving becomes uncomfortable. If you have one now, then you won’t need one as badly later on, so your thinking goes.

The problem with this way of thinking is that it is exactly wrong. The nicotine has tricked your subconscious mind into such rationalizing. The reality is that each and every time you have a cigarette, you are reenforcing your addiction and thus making it stronger. If your cigarette smoking has resulted in an addiction, then it follows that with every cigarette you have you are increasing the addiction. In the long run, there is no such thing as having a cigarette to alleviate craving. Sure, you are making yourself feel satisfied by having the cigarette, but the satisfaction is temporary. With every cigarette you have, you will crave the next one that much more. This progression can be very subtle, which is why nicotine addiction can creep up on so many people. They become addicted before they know it.

>From this logic follows the required mind-set in which you will know that the sooner you quit, the easier it will be to do so. Never the less, you should not start the quitting process until you have mentally prepared yourself by mulling over all three steps for a while until you get used to them, with an emphasis on step #1. (Envisioning yourself as a non-smoker).

Now that we have the proper mind-set in place, we may go about formulating a plan for addressing your addiction to the drug itself (nicotine). If you've tried quitting in the past and failed, nicotine was what drew you back to smoking. Therefore, we must eliminate your cravings for nicotine.

We will do this through a process of gradual reduction that will follow a mathematical algorithm.

The first thing that you need to do is to figure out how many cigarettes you smoke per day. This number is important, as it will be the starting point of our plan. You may be tempted here to just come up with an estimate, but I want you to be more precise than that.

You will start by taking a small piece of paper and taping it to your box of cigarettes so that you can make a simple marking with a pen for every time you smoke. You may also just carry a piece of paper around with you, but I find attaching it to the box to be more effective because you'll never be without it when you want to smoke. Do this for 1 week, then add up all of the cigarettes that you smoked all week. At the end of the week, divide the total number of cigarettes you smoked by 7 to get your average. If you are one of those people who smokes significantly more on the weekends or your days off, then it’s okay to calculate two separate averages.

Here’s the formula: Take the average number of cigarettes that you smoke per day and multiply that number by (.05). This will tell you how much 5% of the total amount of cigarettes that you smoke in a day is. If you smoke 10 cigarettes per day then 5% of that will be one half of a cigarette. For 30 cigarettes your number will be 1.5 cigarettes, and so on. It really doesn’t matter if you smoke 5 cigarettes per day or 40, you just need to know what 5% of that number is.

Once you have your numbers calculated you will start a gradual and consistent reduction in your smoking. You will do this in increments of 5% per week. This number will remain 5% of the original number of cigarettes that you smoked. If 5% of the original number of cigarettes that you smoked was 1 cigarette, then you will reduce your smoking by 1 cigarette per week, every week. Simple.

If your 5% number comes out to a fraction of a cigarette, for example ½ of a cigarette, then you will still reduce your smoking by that much. Simply take a pair of scissors and cut off half of a cigarette before you smoke it. Cutting the cigarette is important so that you are not able to smoke more than the program calls for. Also, I recommend that you cut all of the necessary cigarettes as soon as you get the pack. This will take some calculating in advance, but it will be worth it.

You will have to figure out what part of your day the cigarettes will be taken from. For starters you should pick a part of the day when you’re most busy so that you won’t be able to ruminate over the missing carcinogen.

Once you get down to about 1 cigarette per day, you may have to continue on with the gradual reduction by either progressing to ½ a cigarette per day, or 1 cigarette every other day, or even ½ of a cigarette every other day. The important part is that once you have quit, you will have quit for good. However gradual the process is in getting to quitting will be okay as long as it will lead you to total cessation of the habit.

Now that the plan for addressing the nicotine addiction is in place, we may formulate a plan for addressing the second challenge of quitting smoking. This is that in quitting smoking you will be deducting an activity from your life. Getting the subconscious mind to give up an activity that it is used to can be difficult unless you take the proper steps to help yourself along.

If you will be deducting from your life by quitting smoking, and quitting smoking becomes difficult as a result, then it follows that something ought to be added to your life for compensation purposes. What this something is will be up to you, but it needs to be an activity that's productive and enjoyable in some way. This may include reading, exercising, meditating, a new hobby, or simply devoting more quality time to your family. I find that activities which involve some form of exercise work best. Cigarettes stimulate the body and mind, and so does exercise, but in a much healthier way.

Choosing something healthy to add to your life in place of smoking will not only enrich your quality of life, it will make quitting much easier by addressing the needs of your subconscious mind. On the subconscious level you will feel less like you are at a loss and more like you have improved your general well being. The subconscious mind does not really care all that much about cigarettes being bad for you. It just cares that they bring you some level of pleasure, which is why you continue to smoke. You can help your subconscious mind feel less cheated by replacing the nicotine with something else that brings you joy.

It's also important to note that your change needs to be documented on paper through out the entire process. Keep a journal or a log detailing the number of cigarettes that you are allowed each day. This log should be small and mobile so that you can easily carry it with you in your pocket or purse.

Writing the process down on paper is important on two levels. The first is that it will allow you to keep an accurate count, and the second is that writing goals and procedures down on paper facilitates their accomplishment. If you take the time to write out a plan, you will be using more of your conscious power and your objective will thus have more energy behind it.

So there you have it, the easier way to quit smoking. Notice that I did not title the article, "The Easy Way To Quit Smoking". I used the word easier because no matter what our approach is, quitting permanently will take some effort on your part. I have found that anything in life worth accomplishing does take effort. I can promise you though that quitting smoking for good will be worth your effort in the long run. Not only will you improve your health, but the sense of pride you'll get from the accomplishment will be tremendous. You'll feel empowered and confident, ready to concur your next goal.

So go ahead, quit for good. You'll be glad you did!

Wendy N. Lapidus-Saltz

A leading cause of cancer deaths, smoking is universally responsible for major cancers, like cancers of the oesophagus, larynx, kidney, pancreas, and cervix. In addition, smoking increases the risk of chronic lung disease as well as heart disease. Smoking may also result in premature delivery and low birth weight, adversely affecting the unborn foetus.

Once a smoker stops smoking or even cuts down on smoking, he will feel substantially healthy; blood circulation begins to improve and the carbon monoxide levels in the blood begin to decline; pulse rate and blood pressure return to normal; sense of both taste and smell return; and it becomes easy to breathe.

Smokers definitely have reduced age expectancy, but smoking cessation can easily overturn these statistics and bring the smoker at par with the non-smoker, reducing the risk of smoking-related diseases like heart and chronic lung disease. Similarly, women who stop smoking prior to conception or those who quit within the first trimester can luckily reverse the risk of low birth weight and other pregnancy-associated risks. Stop smoking diminishes the risk for developing cancer and therefore smoking cessation benefits men and women at any age.

In the interim, quit smoking may also cause short-term after-effects like anxiety, irritability, hunger, tiredness, lack of concentration, weight gain, and insomnia, especially in those smokers who have smoked in high numbers for an extended period of time. However, these changes subside with time and the non-smokers then have the opportunity for a healthier future.

Medical professionals are an excellent source of information about concerned health risks of both smoking and smoking cessation. With adequate guidance and a strong will power any smoker can become a non-smoker in no time.

Reasons for Getting Hooked to Smoking

A state of being dependent on something is addiction and this could be either psychological or physical. Addiction triggers a neurotic or persistent urge to satisfy one’s dependency. This urge, also called cravings or desire, can prompt the onset of addiction. When the first craving is satisfied, other more intense cravings will arise and the cycle continues until you can no longer break the habit.

Nicotine dependency is the most common form of drug addiction for both men and women. Smoking addiction is generally nurtured during adolescence. Peer pressure is all pervasive and that can be hard to resist. In females, smoking may sometimes relieve mood fluctuations that are caused by hormonal changes; it can also temporarily alleviate anger, depression and mood swings by acting on the pleasure centers in the brain.

Cigarettes contain elements like nicotine that instigate smoking addiction. In-fact nicotine, a tough stimulant, is one of the most common factors that lead to smoking addiction. Essentially, on smoking nicotine directly permeates the brain, and relieves the smoker from tension. But, the anxiety only sets back in with greater intensity which again demands more nicotine. This alters the chemicals in the brain and conveniently becomes a reason to continue smoking.

If nicotine addiction has to be tackled, it needs to be completely eliminated from the system before a person can become smoke free. The nicotine ‘high’ normally comes from the release of dopamine, which is a "pleasure hormone".

Why Must I Stop Smoking?

Cigarette smoke is loaded with a variety of chemicals that can be poisonous to the human body. Tobacco smoke contains over 4,000 chemicals, many of which make smoking harmful and addictive. Because of the various problems that arise from tobacco smoking, it is essential that a smoker seriously considers becoming smoke free. The various reasons are that tobacco:

* Is extremely addictive when smoked and chewed
* Causes addiction as permanent as alcoholism; is harder to quit than heroin or cocaine
* Is not a medicine and has no therapeutic uses
* Prevents pre-cancerous cells from dying; in fact accelerates cancer tumor growth rates
* Contributes to artery hardening
* Has a metabolite which may cause cancer; is linked to lung cancer
* May kill brain cells and impair memory
* Is likely to cause brain damage and depression
* It also has the foetus destroying teratogen
* Kills half of all adult smokers prematurely

CRD: Anthony Delar

The Easiest Way To Stop Smoking Revealed

Some people say there is no easy way to stop smoking. Yet people who have successfully quit will often tell you that it was easy, when they look back. Often, they tried many times before and failed - they went back to smoking after a few days, weeks, or months. But that one time, they stopped without much trouble, and never started again. So what made it easy that time?

Most smokers want to stop and if there was a magic method or supplement that worked for everybody, there would probably only be a couple of smokers left in the world. So it's pretty clear that whatever methods may be suggested, they do not work for all of the people who try them, every time.

Finding the easy way is often just a matter of doing it at the right time. This means that instead of deciding you will quit tomorrow, or next week, or on January 1st, you should act any time when you feel a strong desire to quit.

This moment may come when you are sick, when your kid says something to you that makes you feel ashamed, or just one day for no apparent reason. It might be right now. It will not just be a vague wish that you didn't smoke, but something stronger, a real emotional motive.

For most people that is what makes it easy one time when it never was before: they simply did it at the right moment. You have probably had these times in the past and ignored them. This time, do not push this moment away and try to forget it, but act on it. When it comes, stop right now.

Your motivation may still go up and down but you can be sure that you can make it through. You need to keep on thinking positively. Remind yourself how great it is to be a non-smoker. After a few days, you will find it is easier to sit through a long movie or plane journey without getting anxious and wishing for the end so that you could smoke. Be aware of how much more enjoyable your life is getting, and remind yourself of it often.

People who use aids like nicotine replacement, hypnosis, or any kind of therapy or support group usually do better than those who do not. It may be that their willingness to spend money on these things is a sign of higher commitment. These things can help you to keep your motivation high.

Most people have activities that remind them of smoking. Go ahead and avoid these activities for a couple of weeks if it helps. It is a good idea to give up alcohol temporarily, not only because you probably associate it with smoking, but because your motivation will be much lower when you have had a couple of drinks. You may also need to avoid certain places or even certain friends.

At the same time, you should not stay home alone with nothing to do. Quitting smoking can be a little like losing a friend: you will grieve, and you need to try to occupy your mind, your hands and your time. Take up a hobby that involves using your hands, such as woodworking or quilting, or make a list of things that need fixing around the house and do them one by one.

Drinking a small glass of water every time you have a craving is a great way to avoid overeating. Or simply notice how quickly a craving disappears. You may be surprised. Even if you do nothing to satisfy it, the strongest craving will vanish within 90 seconds. Sure it comes back, but 90 seconds is not long to hold out each time.

If you have a lot of anger coming out and you are taking it out on your friends and family, do not use that as an excuse to give up your resolve. Your irritability is only temporary. It may seem that your friends would be better off if you started smoking again, but that is not true. They are way better off without you blowing smoke into the air that they breathe.

In the end, the easy way to stop smoking is any way that works for you - when you do it at the right time.

CRD: Ben Junior

Will you have the willpower to stop smoking through Hypnosis Therapy? So what is in Stop Smoking Therapy all about? If you really decided to finally quit the habit for good but just doesn’t have the willpower, you should seriously consider joining a stop smoking hypnosis program. Each smoker should have been warned or alerted by friends, family members, doctors or even by the media about the hazards of smoking. Heart disease, emphysema, and most importantly cancer are just some of the health problems related with long-term smoking. In stop this kind treatment, you could influence or manipulate your subconscious mind into allowing and helping you break the psychological addiction in tobacco and cigarettes.

Additionally, the sooner you will be able to quit your destructive habit, the sooner your health risks would be minimized. What are the benefits of this hypnosis therapy? There are several advantages or benefits of joining a Stop Smoking Program. Hypnosis therapy has some distinct benefits as opposed to many products available in the market to help you to kick off the habit, such as gums and nicotine patches which all of them contain some side effects. On the contrary, hypnosis therapy has some better benefits like: 1.) The therapy uses no drugs. 2.) The treatment focuses more on the positive.

3.) This Hypnosis Therapy additionally increase your confidence. 4.) If the therapy becomes successful, there is a reduction in health risks. 5.) The therapy could be made to suit your personal habits and cigarette triggers. 6.) The therapy has no long-term cost and can be completed quickly. So how does this program work? Every person who smokes has their natural cigarette triggers such as eating, driving or watching TV with subconscious reminders about the positive effects of quitting. Hypnotherapy will help to lessen your cravings and uplift and develop your confidence in your capability to quit. This kind of treatment is duly conducted by a professional hypno-therapist who has been trained to give various suggestions to your subconscious mind.

The use of hypnosis to heal or cure the smoking habit has different results. It really depends on your susceptibility in being hypnotized. Nevertheless, most people believe and agree that the hypnosis therapy let them to quit their habit with absolutely no cravings or withdrawal symptoms. This hypnosis could also be done within the comforts of your own homes by CDs or through other audios. So, where can you find a stop smoking hypnosis program? There are numerous ways to locate this program. Looking for the right therapist to help you kick off the destructive habit is just a matter of personal preferences.

Some therapists could be searched on the phone directory, while some therapists advertise on the Net. Choosing for your therapist on the World Wide Web can be easier and you could choose someone that’s closer to your location for convenience. Most individuals are apprehensive and not comfortable enough when meeting with somebody face-to-face. Not to worry, because there are lots of stop smoking hypnosis programs available in CDs and cassettes.

CRD: Amy Twain

It's true...

Knowing how to quit smoking doesn't have to be this long, expensive and miserable experience most smokers have come to accept. In fact, just the opposite is true. Before we begin however, we must understand a little about human psychology. Specifically, how we deal with the twin emotional forces that drive our lives - pain and pleasure.

Here's how it works. Everything we do (or don't do) is in response to our desire to avoid pain or our desire to gain pleasure. Pain pushes us away from something and pleasure pulls us toward something. Pain is the more powerful of the two. Therefore, we will do far more to avoid pain than we ever will to gain pleasure. And learning to master these emotions, is the secret to quitting smoking.

Here's How This Applies To Quitting Smoking

Smokers that try to quit and fail tend to rationalize not quitting with excuses like "I'm going to gain weight", "I'll be in such a bad mood" or "I''ve tried before and it didn't work, so why bother?" (pain). They focus on the emotional struggles they'll have to endure as they try to quit. Whatever the excuse, no matter how big, small, real or imagined, it's usually just enough reason to give up - and so they do.

Those that succeed however, associate more pain with NOT quitting than with quitting. They can't bear the idea of continuing to be a smoker. They're sick and tired of everything negative associated with being a smoker - the smells, poor health, wasted money, etc. etc. etc. Plus, smokers that succeed concentrate their focus on the benefits (pleasure) they're going receive as a result of becoming a non-smoker.

So, the question is: How do we effectively put these powerful forces to work for us instead of against us so that we quit smoking quickly, easily and permanently? Here's the answer - step by step.

Step #1 - Grab a pen. On a simple sheet of paper begin writing everything down that you can't stand about being a smoker. Is it the money you keep throwing away? How about your health or the health of those around you that you truly care about? Maybe you're sick of the smell that gets into everything? Whatever it is, write it down. Don't just think about it. Write it down. Writing crystalizes thought and makes it more real than just thinking about it.

And the key to this entire process is to get emotional. It's our emotions that drive us. So, put your heart into it. This is your life we're talking about here. This isn't a game!

Step #2 - On a separate sheet paper, write down everything you're going to GAIN as a result of quitting smoking. What's it going to mean to you? Will you have more money in your pocket you can spend on the things you really want? How about less worrying about your health or smoking around your kids? Perhaps it's having a better-smelling house, car or clothes. Whatever it is that moves you, write it down.

And again, get emotional - REAL emotional.

Now, go make copies and post them wherever they'll be in front of you - your fridge, your bathroom mirror, your car - keep a copy in your pocket or purse at all times. Wrap a copy around your cigarettes! Make it so you couldn't forget about quitting even if you wanted to. Look at your lists constantly. And when you do, focus on the emotions you experienced as you made your lists.

And the final step is...(And this is the BIG one!)

Step #3 - Start living your life immediately as if you've ALREADY quit smoking. Don't think, "Some day I'm going to quit", because you'll never quit. Consider yourself a non-smoker today! However you see yourself, that's how you will be.

Then, take some sort of positive action that you see yourself as a non-smoker taking. It could be going for a daily 30 minute walk, starting a healthy diet, or even start making plans for all the extra money you'll have. And as you do this, don't look for motivation to move you. Just take action. Action creates motivation. Motivation seldom creates action. Action will literally reinforce your belief that you've already quit smoking and drive you, effortlessly, towards taking more positive actions.

So there you have it my friend. You now have the secret that most smokers will never know about quitting. And the best part is, everything you need is already in you.

To learn more about how to quit smoking without patches, pills or gums - 100% naturally, please visit the resource below for even more great information.

CRD: Joe Luna

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