I want to help any people that want to stop smoking and stop from being addicted to cigarettes..
I collect all FREE QUIT SMOKING HELP for you..
Just read the articles in this blog, and also read for the tips and trick and simply do it..!
I believe that's not impossible for you to stop smoking..
God Bless You..!
How To Quit Smoking Using All Natural Methods Read more at Suite101: How To Quit Smoking Using All Natural Methods: Stop Smoking for Free http://natu
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Clear your life of cigarette addiction using these all natural tried-and-true methods to quit smoking naturally.
It is possible to quit smoking without the use of nicotine substitutes like Nicorette gum or the patch. Read on to find real, do-it-yourself methods of curbing your cigarette addiction.
Exercise Your Lungs
Engage in any activity daily which forces you to breathe deeply. This can be a team sport, a workout in the park or around the block, yoga, aerobics, weight training, or simply sitting still and breathing deeply. The point is to work out your lungs.
Your lungs are the organs that have taken the most abuse from your smoking habit. The moment you begin to detoxify and exercise these tissues is the moment you will begin quitting smoking. This is because smoking makes it harder to work out, but working out also makes it harder to smoke. The fresh oxygenated blood coursing through your lungs along with the actual oxygen in the air will stimulate the lungs to purge out the bad stuff. You will spit up or expectorate a mucusy yellow phlegm. This is the sign that the lungs are detoxing. When you try to smoke after working out you feel nauseous and dizzy. The poisons going in are in direct battle will the body’s efforts to clean them out.
Find a Food Replacement
It is almost a given that you will gain some weight while quitting smoking. Just think of this as a fair exchange. Your image might take a blow by putting on a few pounds, but your image will also be saved by becoming a clean, healthy, good-smelling non-smoker.
Eating will soothe the nerve that gets jangled by not being able to smoke. Many of the same needs are met by eating as by smoking. You use your hands to prepare and serve food, your mouth to suck and chew. In addition you get to swallow and digest. Also, the nicotine rush is replicated by a sugar rush from eating the food.
Eating is an almost perfect replacement activity and this is why so many people put on weight when they quit smoking cigarettes. Unlike smoking, it doesn’t harm anyone else, the environment, and if you keep your choices healthy, doesn’t harm you either. Just make sure to choose low-fat, low-calorie foods which you can snack on throughout the day while you are quitting.
Be Conscious When Smoking
The best advice for a quitting smoker is to be conscious while smoking. You are bound to cave in every so often and light up, even if you don’t really want to. There are just so many habits that must be broken all at once.
In order to overcome these while smoking, do so very, very consciously. Stop all other activity if you are having a cigarette. Center yourself and say to yourself, “I am going to have a cigarette.” Pause and consciously take the cigarette out of the package. Pick up the lighter slowly and with intention. Think about what you are doing as you light the cigarette. Notice yourself sucking. Taste the smoke in your mouth, feel it scorch your lungs, and notice that you are polluting the environment as you exhale.
Taking stock of every detail of smoking a cigarette helps by making you appreciate the experience. When you get more out of it, you are likely to light up less frequently during the day. By stopping all other activity you reduce the amount that you smoke and this helps you quit, slowly but surely.
Quitting Smoking Step by Step
There are natural methods to quitting smoking cigarettes. One does not need to rely on nicotine replacement therapies to break the habit.
credit: Natalay Goldstein
Label: Article, Tips and Trick